Lobas Architects


The College of The Bahamas Projects

Architectural History & Theory I

Models, various design & graphics courses. Students in The College of The Bahamas relish architectural model building, including models built by hand and with a computer. For my Architectural Graphics I course, students began the course with a simple Greek temple, the Treasury of Athens at Delphi. They advanced to build all the structures at the Acropolis, and many of those surrounding in the Roman Forum as well. They finished the course with modern church structures. Students in Engineering Graphics modeled a wide array of real and fantastic constructions. Finally, students in Architectural Design courses acquired digital models of a number of campus buildings from various sources, which were painstakingly assembled in their final form and rendered by their professor on the site model depicted here. A number of student volunteers also gave numerous days of measuring and verifying towards these ends. Leonardo Simms gave an especially heroic effort to the project.

The College of The Bahamas Projects

Architectural History & Theory I

Models, various design & graphics courses. Students in The College of The Bahamas relish architectural model building, including models built by hand and with a computer. For my Architectural Graphics I course, students began the course with a simple Greek temple, the Treasury of Athens at Delphi. They advanced to build all the structures at the Acropolis, and many of those surrounding in the Roman Forum as well. They finished the course with modern church structures. Students in Engineering Graphics modeled a wide array of real and fantastic constructions. Finally, students in Architectural Design courses acquired digital models of a number of campus buildings from various sources, which were painstakingly assembled in their final form and rendered by their professor on the site model depicted here. A number of student volunteers also gave numerous days of measuring and verifying towards these ends. Leonardo Simms gave an especially heroic effort to the project.